
4years 323days

Thats it, she's been a school girl a whole week now!! Granny and Grandad came with me to pick her up today - she had said several times how much she wanted them to do it, so I was thrilled for her that they made it. She spotted me from quite far back in the cloakroom and gave me a huge grin. Seeing into the cloakroom as the teachers line them up to come out, then watching them spot their mummies as they're filed to the wall where they line facing their parents, to get the hugest grins on their little faces has rapidly become one of my favourite bits of the school day. Beaten only by the cuddle that follows seconds later.

She said they spent a lot of time outside today. Her and her friends were painting the walls with water - something she loved doing at preschool. She said she found Lydia at lunch time, just as Lydia found her and they had a massive cuddle. She also cuddled one of her other friends. She said "I had yogurt for pudding today. I looked at the fruit and thought 'I think I'll have fruit salad, but then I saw the yogurt and decided that looked good. It was big". She said they had a story about a sad bird that got happy in the end. They learnt about the letter A and didn't do any numbers. She said she played with the water inside as well today. I had my first cause to stop the teacher for "words" after school. I am hoping it is resolved tomorrow, she was disappointed with the situation. However, during the conversation I asked him how she is getting on. His reply? "She is so settled that its like she's always been there".

She had a wonderful time with Granny & Grandad. We beat them home from school so was waiting for them at the front of the house when they arrived. Monkey was waiting at the window for her today as she'd had a brief wobble about leaving him behind as she went to school. She does rather make me melt.

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