Bye bye

3years 323days

We had such a wonderful time with the children and family today and yesterday. Katie slept incredibly well. We got up and had a long play together. She had a first breakfast and then a second when max & Eden got up. We headed to town to by a picnic before we set off to the forest. Katie and Eden slept the whole way (max was with lili and their crazy dog). It rained a bit en route but brightened up as we got there. So we got the picnic out and started to enjoy a pleasant meal. It then absolutely threw it down. Picnic and play abandoned. We ran back to the car. It was still a fun time.

We got back to Nannans and realised we had time to get back for Katie's swimming lesson. Big cuddles all round, today was the last time we will see them in this visit.

She had a good lesson. The elusive teacher we had yet to meet despite it being week 4 finally came and seemed reasonable. Katie did some fantastic widths of front crawl. Then home for snuggles and sleeps. A good extra day off!

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