Day 6

4years 324days

I have a happy wee school girl today. She's had a much busier day today and consequently came out really bouncy and happy. She read a book she'd taken from home to her main teacher "and he didnt have to help me with any words". She read "The Tiger who Came To Tea" to another teacher. They have had their first French lesson - complete with breakfast (croissants and two other things that she couldn't remember). She got another marble for the jar for doing a good job of "drawing wiggly lines and straight lines as her special Job" for one of the teachers. They did phonics. She helped Poppy do her marble as she was shy. She also got put on the "happy board" for being quiet and sitting nicely. She sang "my dog is a good good dog", "Alice the Camel" and "gravity". They played in the big playground again. She ate all her dinner. Happy girl.

She told me that she's excited to go to assembly for the first time tomorrow as its the turn of the gruffalo group (Which she is delighted is the name of her group). She said "We will go in, sit down and sit still and all look and listen to Mr L. We saw his office today on the way to the lunch place. We have to be quiet as we go past". I was very proud if her as one of her friends mums came up to me to tell me Katie had been very kind when her daughter fell & took Amelia to the nurse.

Katie was very excited coming out of school as we were picking up Lydi today, who skipped out to us equally excited. We all three walked to the swimming baths and she had her swimming lesson while Lydia & I sat watching. They had tea together and we all went home with her mum.

Katie read to me before snuggling to sleep rather quickly.

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