To the LIghthouse

As in recent times I’ve only gone to Tobermory on rainy days it's acquired a slightly forlorn air in my memory so we decided to take a trip in fine weather to do a few commissions and eat lunch at the Western Isles hotel as recommended by CM. 

I saw a hen harrier fly past first thing - is this likely @treshnish? I am not very good on birds.  Also small green bird hanging onto a hogweed stem pecking at the surrounding seeds? I think it might be a willow warbler - I’m trying! 

Did a lovely walk along the side of the coronation meadow through a few gates down, nearly to the sea’s edge.  It was calm and still and I could hear insects and bees and birds all going about.  And by some woodland tucked into a cliff,  there were a bunch of wrens hopping from post to post  and swallows (and swifts?) wheeled over head. 

Back for coffee outside with the sun beating on my back.  I always hope for at least one morning like this. 

Leaving Treshnish we watched, from the road, a pod of dolphins accompanying a kayaker out from the top of Calgary bay.  There must have been four or five of them …lucky kayaker. 

After lunch which was fine, with new views, to me, of the harbour, we went for a walk to the lighthouse.   Again, in my memory this was where we went for a walk on rainy days as it is sheltered by trees so it was a surprise how lovely the view of the sound of Mull was through the trees.  We sat at the viewpoint and watched all the boats and the Tobermory Killchoan ferry chug past.  

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