Holy Redeemer By The Sea

Today is my paternal grandmother’s birthday. I visited her every chance I got when I was a kid and lived next door to her a few years as an adult. And I admit, I was her favorite. She guided me in my religious beliefs and practices. How I miss her. We were up early today, had breakfast and were ready for Mass an hour before it was time to leave. There are only a few Catholic Churches on the Outer Banks. This church was packed and they had to open the overflow section. Made my heart happy to see so many vacationers willing to set aside an hour or so for their Creator. And you could tell we were in the South. Almost everyone was singing and it sounded lovely. My photo only captures a small section of the sanctuary. I wanted to include the pipe organ. The acoustics are terrible though. Glad I had my Mass book because we only heard a few words. The priest has a vocal impairment. He sang the entire Mass. We had a few groceries to get after Mass. The three teenagers wiped out the brownies yesterday so I guess I will make a few more batches for them. I really like Parker’s lacrosse friends. The sister of one is Brooklyn’s best friend so we see the family whenever we are at any sports event. It is starting to storm. Might be a challenge to BBQ in this weather. I made up the burger patties and cut up the watermelon. Renee has everything else prepared. The crew spent the day at the beach; hubby and I enjoyed a quiet house. This place is huge. Will blip it one day. Hope you are enjoying the weekend. I am loving time on the balcony listening to the birds. Brooklyn says all is well at home. She wants to be put in the kitty carer rotation. Thanks for dropping by. Be safe. “God is calling us to put into practice on Monday the truth that we said "amen" to on Sunday.” - Tony Evans

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