
By Grammy

Welcome Home

We were up very early again. Even before we ate breakfast, we started packing up. The heat was going to be unbearable so the sooner we could get on the road the better. Hubby did most of the outside tasks while I packed, put away and cleaned. Then we washed off all the sweat and dirt. We pulled out of our camp site at 11:00. We stopped to fill the gas tank and to grab Mexican chicken (me) and chorizo (hubby) bowls for lunch. There weren’t a lot of restaurants to choose from along our route at lunch time. We arrived at home around 3:45. Since it is nearly impossible to get the camper in our driveway, we left it in the cul de sac. While I gathered coolers and suitcases, hubby brought the van to the camper. He loaded it as I brought stuff to the door. We unloaded everything. I put away all the food and just started the third of three loads of laundry. I love camping but gee, it’s a lot of work. After unloading the car, I checked our garden. What a pleasant surprise - we have several ripe yellow cherry tomatoes. They are incredibly sweet and delicious. We’ll finish up all the leftovers tonight’s dinner and start fresh tomorrow. A long drive can wear you out but add the excessive heat and camper contents transfer; we are beat. Hope your day was easier. Stay safe. Thanks for your visits. “I don't care what anybody says: Nothing is better than a tomato you grow. There's something about it that's different than a tomato you can buy. It's a great thing.” - Tom Vilsack

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