Full House

We had a very pleasant Monday. These folks are used to work day hours so most were up looking for coffee and breakfast before 6:00 am. I stayed with my retirement hours. Thought I’d capture the day in photos. Abby and Lauren both spent part of their day “working from home” while sharing River and Isla duties. There is a nice office where Abby is set up and Lauren uses one of the Rec rooms where she can let Isla roll around. Hubby and Jamie put together the new pizza oven that we’ll use on Wednesday for “create your own pizza” night. NayNay says you can get away from home but not laundry chores. The washer and dryer runs non stop. And of course, those bottomless pit teenagers were raiding the kitchen on and off all day. Hubby has chosen his quiet reading spot in the third story alcove. I prefer the back deck white Adirondack chair for coffee and Kindle time. But there is a small balcony outside our room that is also very quiet. River, Billy and hubby swam in the pool for a bit rather than go back to the ocean. Half of the pool was in the shade which was a nice feature. Hubby and I went to the hardware store to get pizza oven fire starters and a replacement air pump. As a bonus, we discovered a DQ across the street and enjoyed a small blizzard. Hubby was able to inflate all the rafts this time around. The first try was an epic fail since we didn’t have the correct attachment. We have an ocean view behind a row of rental homes out front and a bay/creek in the back which borders one of the golf courses. Jamie and Billy played a round; it is a pretty nice course. Jamie won. We’re having spaghetti and salad for dinner. Renee and I share the cooking duties although Jamie and Chew made all the burgers and sausages last night. This crew requires large quantities. So, our time together is going really well. We are so blessed that our son invited us to share this special family time together. Hope you had a great day also. Stay safe. Thanks for the visit. “I don’t care if we have our house, or a cliff ledge, or a cardboard box. Home is wherever we all are, together.”― James Patterson

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