Walking on the beaches
Today was about waiting for the wind to die down so that we could get on the boat
Si took the boat out of the harbour before I undertook steerage. Oh dearie me.
We headed off to middle island cause it was still a tad roughers (that is a navy term picked up from Si).
The other side of Middle Island was calm. And full of seals. This made us very happy because last year. I think we saw three seals in Total on Middle Island
This year. Full to over flowing and lots of Mummas and Babbas
We spent a lovely hour and a half watching them and they us and then we noticed the clouds were pulling in and the sea to the north of the island was getting rougher and rougher
So we headed back making a bee line for the harbour and I started the manoeuvre.
Our neighbours were all sitting on the pier drinking wine and beer and obviously looking forward to a display of parking excellence.
First attempt. I stopped at the first hurdle and turned round and left the harbour. I steeled myself and tried again
This time I left the turn too late and had to reverse again
The third time I was so nearly there. Si and Tooli were perched to grab the berth and the wind caught me and Si shouted forward and I turned the handle and sped right into the boat next to us.
I had to quickly get my sense back and reverse out.
Fourth time. In very slowly very very slowly and turn as I approached the pier Tooli started paddling with the oar. Sadly wrong side but she was able to correct with faster reflexes than I had and steer us in.
I switched the engine off and we all let out a massive sigh of relief. I was just sitting waiting for the cheer to go up from the audience. But nothing. Just silence which I think was maybe worse
We tied up. Unloaded picked all our stuff out and I prepared myself for the walk of shame.
They said nothing. We walked thru them; (for they were arranged six on either side of the pier). The old
Man from the other day asked if we had a nice trip. I looked at him and said ‘yes. How is your face?’ And thru swollen lips and scab. ‘I’m all better now’
And we walked on past the boat house and round the corner towards our cottage. And all breathed a sigh of relief
It took us about two hours before any of us could actually speak again we were all so traumatised.
I took to my bed about 9. Exhausted
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