Two Minutes to Midnight

A sneaky backstage shot just before the start of the dress rehearsal for “I’ll Be Back Before Midnight”. When we started rehearsing three months ago, it was light until 10pm, warm outside and it seemed like we had plenty of time to knock this play into shape.
But now it’s cold & rainy, dark by 6.30pm and we perform in front of a paying audience for the first time tomorrow. And tonight is going to be the only chance to run all the way through without interruptions.
Act One finished with only a few hiccups - mainly sound and light cues, though I did come on in the wrong costume at one point!
Later still…
Act Two all done and dusted, with only a few sound and light cues to tidy up. Looks like the actual performances should be over by 9.15. That’ll be the earliest we’ve finished for some time!!
We’re about as ready as we can be now. Another rehearsal might have helped, but we haven’t got that luxury - let’s hope the adrenalin rush of a live audience will carry us through. We certainly won’t be able to stop and go back if we miss any lines, so will just have to plough on and hope it still makes sense!

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