In The Midnight Hour

Well, that’s first night done. A few dropped lines but otherwise it went very well. A decent size audience who laughed and gasped in all the right places, so we must have done a fairly decent job.
As is always the case with these things, it is the backstage crew who are the real heroes. Whether it’s the Stage Manager, Props, Lights or Sound, we literally couldn’t do it without them. And they don’t even get to bask in the applause at the end, like us luvvies.
So it’s feelings of relief all round and looking forward to the remaining five performances. I’m also hoping that the limp my character was forced to adopt tonight, can be dispensed with soon. I went out for a run this afternoon, but something “popped” in my calf just before the end. Not too painful, but I had to limp a bit and the fight scene got very exciting when I stumbled occasionally as I tried to turn suddenly on the bad leg. Still, all adds to the fun!
I’ll try and put all the dropped lines back in tomorrow. Mrs C is coming to see it and I wouldn’t like her to feel short changed!

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