The ups and downs of young people

This morning was our final assembly of a run of a week in this school: talking about clothes, the environment, people and Jesus. It was great and we just adore the young people at this school. Then after catching up with some of my fave young people, I had a session with my very tired mentee. Glad it was her pet cats that had kept her up all night and nothing more sinister.

This evening I went for a little run and as I was running down a lane I could hear a couple of teenagers on bikes behind me. I heard one of them whisper (not very quietly) ‘I’m gonna throw this at her’. So I was like…if I don’t turn around right now, I’m going to get something launched at me.
And so I turned round as if to cross the road and this kid had a can of monster ready to launch! But because I turned round they had to stop and then they did this really lame ‘oh, I thought we were going this way’ act, to give them a reason for stopping. Cheeky beggars. Glad I heard their unsubtle planning and didn’t have headphones in!

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