Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Linlithgow Loch

Woke this morning early and rushed down to Kathryn's to take over childcare as they were both on shifts which meant they had to be out of the house by 8am. There was a thick mist /haar at the time. The girls were on good form - Eilidh fascinated by the fact that haar has two 'a' s together in it tree only other words she could think of was aardvark, and Isobel having just discovered the word barely, got it into at least six sentences while we were driving to school. You'd be amazed by the things she could 'barely' see for the haar.
I went out for a quick walk when I got home, then Colin and I decide d we world head inland. We were going to park at the bistro by the canal just outside Linlithgow and walk along the canal before lunch but the place was moved, we'd forgotten it was a holiday for so many.
We ended parking at the far end of Linlithgow and walking the 2.3 miles around the loch. It was beautifully warm. Lots to see as ever but I was particularly taken by this swan at the east end, can anyone confirm what type she is please. She looks like she has a completely black bill.
We counted 8 cygnets I think and she was caring for them all so well. Lovely to watch.
I also appear to have got rather a nice shot of a buzzard over the Palace or is it a kite? .... I didn't notice till later so it's in the extras.
We had lunch in the toun then headed home around 4.30.
It was definitely worth heading inland to avoid the haar, fingers crossed for tomorrow.
I've spotted recording my step count, it went off the boil a bit with my knee injury but I'm managing a minimum of 10,000 most days with occasional blips (the other kind). Today was a good count though.
Keep safe and well folks, looks like our numbers may be doing a little thank goodness.
Steps today, 23,179

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