Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Self Isolation Day 10

Life - but not as we know it - goes on. The usual round of exercise - some more vigorous (JR, Archie) than others (moi), looking out of the window (nothing moving) firing What'sApp funnies to and fro (most amusing) and snacking frequently. Very frequently.

JR took Archie out for his her walk, and didn’t see many people. I started a new audiobook, read by Penelope Keith. Now, I quite like her - in moderation - but after a chapter or two of her excessively posh accent, I gave up and returned the book. I got another one, started to listen, and promptly fell asleep. I'll have to begin again when I next sit down to listen.

Archie had a bath when he came home - much easier with the new, less hairy version. And much quicker to dry too. After that he was exhausted and snoozed all afternoon. 

More awful Covid-19 news from around the world (poor Italy - now more deaths than China), including very annoying news of billionaire bosses just summarily firing their staff - Tim Martin, Gordon Ramsay, Sir Philip Green etc etc. I hope we all remember these people/businesses when this is over. But many small huge bonuses - eg the fall in pollution levels over cities, and the clean canals in Venice. Very heartening to hear of over 400,000 volunteers to help the NHS, and the thousands of retired medical personnel rallying to help. 

Still, look on the bright side - this time last year (checking back on blip) I am reminded that I was in hospital, having had a heart attack...

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