Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Slight Hiccup Day Three

A very nice doctor came round this morning and spent ages with me, explaining things. Still no beds at the Royal, and in fact, as I can’t stay here for weeks, they may need to send me home and come back later for the procedure. Hope not!

I should clear up about Archie’s brush - it seems I led people to believe that JR had brought one of Archie's actual brushes. As if! It's a child's hairbrush we bought once when we were going into a pub for lunch and he had grubby legs. It lives in the car. But it's mine now.

I've been watching Season 2 of Line of Duty. Even though I’ve seen it before, it's still excellent. I'm loving having free WiFi, I can listen to the radio, read the papers and watch the Daily Politics.

As I’m actually rather healthy, I can go around the ward chatting to the others and fetching them things. A new lass came in tonight, with something rather awful, but I couldn’t quite hear what she said. Suffice to say there's a big flagon by her bed with red stuff in it, and a tube coming from her mid area. There's always someone worse than you in hospitals...

JR sent me constant updates throughout the day of the bathroom progress and the sanded kitchen floors. All the workmen are very concerned at my non-appearance. Lovely chaps, all of 'em. And she has christened the new toilet!

Elizabeth came and took Archie out this afternoon while JR visited, and sent lots of photos.

Beef stew today for lunch. Quite edible, although they do something to their gravies and sauces, possibly adding wallpaper paste. The pea soup and apple crumble and custard were very good. 7/10 Vegetarian lasagne and semolina for tea. 8/10.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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