Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Self Isolation Day 11

A very dreich day! I took Archie round the block this morning. There have some workers on a nearby roof, and three of them were  standing round their vehicle, chatting. I shouted at them, 'Oi! You’re not 2 metres apart!' They jumped apart before they realised I was (sort of) kidding.

I tried a couple of new audiobooks, but couldn’t be bothered with them, so instead I tried my podcast library, and found an absolute treasure trove: 'Conversations', ABC podcasts with the host chatting to interesting Aussies. One conversation was with a man who is an expert on snakes and cane toads, another with a famous female chef working in communist era Shanghai, and the cave diver who happened to also be an anaesthetist, who helped rescue the Thai boys trapped in the cave. All absolutely fascinating, and I didn’t fall asleep at all! And there are plenty more. At three a day (they’re about an hour long), they might just possibly see me through Lockdown...

Today we didn’t even bother getting dressed, but stayed in our gym gear all day. Why bother?

Elizabeth got some shopping for us (coffee pods!) and then came back later to take Archie out, which was brilliant. 

Archie: Hurry up and throw it then!
Moi: What's the rush, Arch? We've got all day...

Reminder: Wash your hands!

Edit: 8pm - Just been out, along with the neighbours, to clap the NHS workers and all the others who are doing so much in our time of need. Bravo.

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