Little Red Squizzer

We dropped the mums off at the station at about 9.15am and then Alan and I went to the British Wildlife Centre in Lingfield.  I only found out about this place last week after seeing some photos posted to one of the groups I'm in, so we decided to go.  

The centre concentrates on conservation and breeding programmes and in particular with red squirrels which are becoming very rare.  They have a huge walk through enclosure where the squirrels run freely, and we were lucky to see quite a few including this cute little baby. The centre work with other red squirrel projects in Cornwall, Wales and the Isle of White and aim to release them back into the wild.  They're also currently working with Kew Gardens who are looking into having red squirrels in the future.

We spent a good few hours there and attended a few of the keeper talks where they also fed the animals, and then we went to have a picnic lunch before returning back a bit later to see the talk on the badgers.    Alan used one of my cameras and between the two of us we took 850 photos, so it was difficult choosing what to blip today, but it had to be this little squizzer, it's just so cute!

Once home I went in the hot tub and then we've had a pretty lazy night as we're both tired.

Anyway, it's the weekend and a long one at that, so I hope you all have a good one.

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