Stepping Back in Time

We went to pick up the new car this morning before Alan went to work and I drove it home and then took the mums for a drive over to Worthing.  It's lovely to drive and Norma said that there was plenty of room in the back even though it is a little car.

I remembered Andy, one of the guys in the Brighton Skies group, posting a photo of Manor Road Garage some time ago, and I knew it was somewhere near Worthing but couldn't remember exactly where so I went onto the group page to see if I could find his post which I did.  The original garage dates back to the 1930's and the petrol pumps are from the 1940's or early 50's, but it lay derelict for some years before being sold for development.  The front of the art deco  building is grade 2 listed, and therefore the front had to be carefully protected whilst the rest of the building behind was demolished and re-built as 8 modern apartments.

I'd really hoped that I could park the Fiat up in front of the petrol pumps for my blip, but unfortunately it's all private property and cars were parked on the road outside it, so it wasn't possible, but at least I got some photos of the building.

From here we drove the short distance to Worthing seafront, parked up and had a stroll along the sea front and onto the pier.  I'd hoped we could have lunch in the art deco cafe of the pier but unfortunately their kitchen wasn't open today, so we walked back to the seafront and found a really nice Italian restaurant.  Mum and I had Monkfish cooked with prawns and cockles in a saffron sauce.  The waiter told us it had been freshly caught last night and it really was lovely and fresh and very tasty.  Norma had  a lasagne which she enjoyed too, so it was a good choice for lunch.

On our way home we stopped at Marks and Spencer in Shoreham and I picked a swimming costume  - another sale bargain, and Norma got a couple of tops.  We've done very well out of that sale.

Tonight I've been to Zumba and am tired now, so I'm going to have an early night as we've got to take the mums to the station quite early in the morning.

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