Nigel or is it Kevin?

After a visit to see Annabel for my physio/acupuncture, I drove to see Tamzin at the farm she's looking after, and of course I was looking forward to meeting the animals, Nigel in particular.  Except for some reason, I called him Kevin - I'm not sure who he looks like most, Nigel or Kevin?

Tamzin had lunch ready when I got there, and once we'd eaten she gave me a tour of the animals, and the minute the chickens and geese saw her they came running over, then the horse barged it's way in - it's a greedy little thing!  After feeding the chickens and the geese we went to feed the sheep, except Cranberry the horse had other ideas and kept putting his head in the bucket.  I asked Tam if I could feed Nigel, but both Alpacas are rather timid as they're from a rescue, and the little one wouldn't come near, but Nigel did eat out of the bucket.

The sheep came running to the fence, but Cranberry had other ideas and ended up chasing me round the field after the bucket, it was so funny!  I spilt some on the ground, but that was handy as he stopped the chase then and was happily munching what had fallen.  A couple of selfies with the sheep were taken, and then we went to see the pigs - they're so friendly!  I did attempt a selfie with Nigel, but he wasn't having any of it, he's rather camera shy, although he did pose nicely for me from a distance.

I had to leave by 2.30pm as it's over an hours' drive and I couldn't leave the boys much longer, Tam had said that I could take them, but to be honest I wasn't sure how they'd react with the animals, and they're small enough to get under the gates, so thought it was best to leave them at home.  It's been a fun afternoon though!

Tonight, Alan and I are having a date night - he's got a day off work tomorrow and said he fancies going out for a drink, so I think we're going out quite early and are going to have a walk down to the White Cliffs Cafe at the beach.

I've added a couple of extras from today if you're interested.

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