Sunday hack (Day 1313)

This morning, my beautiful wife and I decided that we would make the most of the reasonable weather and get out on the horses again. As we bolted the seats on the hosses and affixed the steering gear, a very heavy hail shower passed over us. Sometimes it pays to be a bit slower getting ready - the hail stopped just before we set off. 
The ride was another good outing, though Billy got a bit spooked at one point and it was easier for me to get off and lead him than struggle whilst in the saddle. Once back on it all went fine, with a wander through the middle of Stromness for a bit of a change.
On the way back home, we collected Evie the wonderdog, and after lunch took the dogs along to Lyde for a scamper about. The sun was beginning to set and it was quite chilly, but the light over Hoy was fabulous - see extra. 
After coffee to warm up a bit at home, I sploshed a bit more paint around. I reckon we only have another four acres or so to paint and we will be done...

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