Still Wild (Day 945)

There was snow lying on the road as I drove the dogs out for the mornig wander up the hill. Talisker, who's breed is supposed to be a sled dog, thoroughly enjoyed himself in the snow. He raced around, chased several pheasants, knocked Sigyn over a few times and eventually bounded back to the car, grinning.
It was soon time for me to head to town to collect my beautiful wife from her overnight shift at work, then on to the hospital for a finger dressing change. The old dressing was removed, the finger bathed in iodine for a while, then a comically massive dressing constructed. The new dressing felt as if it was going to fall off within half an hour of leaving the hospital.
We headed to Coldomo to drop off some stuff collected in town and to have a blether with Ali and the famous EJ.
At home, we had a quick lunch before heading to Stromness to collect Evie the Wonderdog for a walk at the shore.
The sky was really dramatic as hail and sleet showers were swept past us, and we were very lucky not to be caught in any of the showers.
HV has just finished re-dressing my finger, making a far better job than the nurse did...

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