
We had an actual week-end morning this morning. Not a Saturday, that's not really a week-end for us: no, an end-of-the-week relaxing morning. It was lovely! Actually having actual breakfast, together.

Later on I discovered that the stationers down the road no longer stock any of the things I use most frequently which was irritating so it's back to online purchasing for me again. But on a happy aside, I picked up some treasures in a charity shop for display use on my (hopeful future) stalls!

Ben went to preschool, I got some stock photographs done, Pam came round to look at her blog with us, and we tweaked websites until Ben came home.

Potato dauphinoise for dinner! Cor the garlic smell was incredible. We only do bits of meals don't we. We'll probably end up having the other veg tonight, and the roast on Wednesday....

And then more website tweaking and shop updating until we were in bed before midnight. The camera came out for stock photos only today, and the phone camera only took a couple of instagrams!

Am thinking about doing a second blip account (my other second blip account is no more, I wasn't doing much with it) just for the messy mama. Somewhere specific to put shots of the things I make, or of our painting sessions. And then to try harder to capture the boys on a daily basis again for here.... thoughts?

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