jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Selling again

Maaaaan I didn't want to get up this morning and neither did Steve. Or the boys! Still, Steve was on PA, I had another stall to set up, and the boys needed breakfast...

Am so so pleased with the stall. Can't quite believe my takings! All the I.O.U.'s paid up today, plus another few sales and the most FANTASTIC feedback as well. So so happy!

This afternoon I finally got the website up and running! Still some more bits to add and photographs to take tomorrow for it but considering I was battling one of my dreadful headaches I think getting any website up at all is an achievement :) Steve figured out how to do mobile versions of the website so we've both been working on them - just got to figure out where to upload mine to now.

Bedtime has not been good. Steve and I are still knackered and not in the mood for cooking so the boys snacked all afternoon and watched the Toy Story films back to back until they were both so hyperactive that they needed to go to bed. Ben went to bed without a fuss (I was thinking about this as he fell asleep. Although he still nurses to sleep he is quite capable of going to sleep without nursing - at Hayley's house he simply lies down on their sofa, asks for a blanket, closes his eyes and is gone. Pretty much everyone who he's stayed with say that he simply shuts his eyes once in bed and he's asleep in seconds. And he does that here too, he just likes nursing still! He'll stop eventually, I'm sure. And it only bothers me on occassion!) but Charley was so overtired that he couldn't settle, and then just screamed as Steve wrapped him while Ben fell asleep. Poor Charley. He settled down quick enough when I returned and is asleep on the sofa now - phew!

Charley has started signing more useful signs - he signs for a nappy change now, and for milk, food and come here/I want. Oh and the "get out of my way" / "no no no not that" It's lovely to see really!

Oh and it is our wedding anniversary today :) Twelve years!

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