Cloud clearing (Day 1174)

It was grey, but dry for the morning woofer wander this morning. The long grass was heavy with water droplets from overnight rain. 
After coffee I trundled off to deal with a small job, and whilst out was called out to deal with another job in Stromness. 
I was back at home in time for lunch with my beautiful wife before a trip to Stromness to wander the woofers and check the hosses. When we arrived, Hoy was hidden under a blanket of low cloud, but as HV dealt with the hoss, the cloud lifted and revealed a fine sky.
Back at home, a buyer for HV's motorbike arrived, had a quick look at the bike and agreed to buy it. Without haggling over the price. We were both remarkably surprised. As HV trundled off to work, I waited at home for the guy to come back and collect the bike once he had sorted out his insurance. I did a bit of bike polishing as I waited. As he rode away later I had mixed feelings. Good to have sold the bike, but sad to see HV's bike going to a new home.

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