Paddling (Day 1175)

The morning was clearing and warming up nicely as I trundled off to deal with one of those regular jobs which can either be really straightforward, quick and easy, or it can be fraught with difficulty and problems at every stage. Needless to say, today's one was the difficult kind. 
Thankfully I was home in time for lunch with my beautiful wife who suggested that a woofer wander at the beach was a good plan. We trundled along to Aikerness, and despite the warm sunshine and warm breeze, there were only a few other people around. Shortly after leaving the car HV abandoned her shoes and socks and wandered along the beach barefoot. It wasn't long before she joined the dogs for a paddle in the sea.
Back home, I zoomed through to Stromness to deal with a little (and unbelievably simple) job. I came home to find HV sunbathing in the garden.

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