Hot (Day 1539)

I had planned a day with very little in the way of work on today, because  my beautiful wife was going to be away south for the day.
I had a little job to look at first thing in the morning, then zoomed home to collect horse riding stuff before heading to Stromness. I had a really lovely ride along the shore in the sunshine, and probably picked the best time of the day to get out. There was very little wind and, although it was warm, it wasn't too hot for George.
Back home for lunch, then out with the dogs to Lyde, where it was (for Orkney) very hot. The dogs enjoyed splashing around in various pools of water along the way.
A bit later on, I dragged my bicycle out of the garage and got out for a ride, the first time in over a year I have been out on it. I thoroughly enjoyed it, despite the heat.

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