Warm! (Day 808)

I had a quick zoom up the hill in the early morning mist with the dogs. They completely disappeared into the murk, chasing a rabbit.
After a quick coffee at home, I loaded the dogs in the van and zoomed off to a call out in Orphir. Job done, I dropped the dogs off at Mum and Dad's then headed to Stromness to another job. I was finished in time to scoot along to Warebeth and see  my beautiful wife in a flotilla of kayaks paddling  north.
Back at Mum's, I got on with a bit of strimming and, after lunch, Mum and I took the dogs along the shore to Warebeth. The view across to Hoy is always worth a blip. It was too hot for the dogs and Talisker slowed to a very slow shuffle on the way back to the car.
I finished the strimming at Mum's, zoomed back home and got out for a ride on the bike. The strong wind meant that there was more of the downhill pedalling I did yesterday, but it was still good to be out.

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