A fine pair (Day 1173)

Despite having not set an alarm clock, my body clock woke me at my usual time and I lay under the duvet listening to the wind and cars splashing through puddles outside. There didn't seem much point in rushing to get up. The dogs didn't pester for their morning walk and we actually managed a bit of a long lie. 
When my beautiful wife and I eventually got up and took the woofers out, we were accompanied by thick drizzle. We had a lazy morning at home before a trip through to Stromness to check the hosses and walk the woofers. The drizzle showed little sign of abating and the camera stayed in the bag, low cloud hiding Hoy from view.
Back at home later, I did a bit of paperwork as HV organised herself for another overnight shift at work. As she left, and the drizzle cleared, I decided to give the van a wash. I then stupidly decided to polish it which took a ridiculously long time to do. 
Finishing the van, it seemed only right that I gave my bike a bit of a spruce up. It has been neglected of late as I have polished up both of HV's bikes. It looks so much better now and was worthy of a blip. When I noticed the reflection of HV's new bike in my polished paintwork I couldn't resist a quick shot. Not too bad for a mobile phone shot. 

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