Night Owls and Early Birds

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

I was tired today. I stayed up until 12.30 talking to the Princess and then was awake until at least an hour later, laughing about "kitchen porn"*.

And then at 5.20am:

PUNKY: Excuse me, if you please. It is food time. 
ME: Wuzzaaa...? Is it...?
PUNKY: Yes it is. I should be most grateful if you could fill my jellymeat bowl with delicious kitty treats.
ME: Well, if you're sure it's food time.
PUNKY: Smack chomp gulp chow...

Then at 6.30am

PUNKY: Excuse me, if you please. For it is food time again.
ME: Really....? I could've SWORN I fed you only an hour ago...
PUNKY: You are mistaken. I have no recollection of the events to which you refer. And I most certainly would remember, don't you think?
ME: You make a very good point.
PUNKY: Gulp, chomp, smack, eat, chew...

It was only an hour after being at work and having a cup of coffee that realisation hit me.

ME: Hey! Wait a bloody minute...!

So I was sleepy all day at work and had to put on my iPod and drink multiple coffees to avoid doing an old-chap nap right there at my desk.

Mind you, this is nothing compared to Er Indoors. When I was talking to the Princess last night, she started work because she just had one email to write. 

Well, she was still there writing it when I fed Punky. Both times. 

When I left for work, she said she was on the verge of sending it and then she was going right to bed. 

Only she was STILL there and STILL working when I got in just now. 

"How are you doing this? Have you taken SPEED???" I asked her. But she denied it. She's still showing no sign of stopping and even asked me about dinner. 

I fully expect her to faceplant into her dinner when she gets it. And then I expect Punky will come along and finish it off for her.


* There are some things you should not be allowed to do with a blender.

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