I'm Pretty Sure It Was Silver

My Dear Fellow,

How does the magpie thing work? Do you need to see them all at once, or just in the space of 5 minutes? In which case, this magpie was for silver. Or it could have been number four for a boy. I think it was silver.

I'm trying to remember the words of the song now in case they explain the rules. But now I'm getting stuck on thoughts of Jenny Hanley

In other news, I overheard a conversation about bungee-jumping and sky-diving today. Between two people who agreed they would never do it. It was like a pact.

I nearly bungee’d in 2003. I thought I’d be okay with it. The reason being that I have little to no imagination and I reckoned that imagining my own gruesome death by twanging wouldn’t occur to me until after I’d leapt off the end of the plinth. "I won't have time to be scared!" I thought.
As it turns out, I was wrong. My head may have no imagination, but my legs do. They buckled as soon as I saw the people dangling in mid-air. So I never bungee’d. I don’t think I feel bad about this. 

No, I just checked. I don’t.
I’ve never jumped from a plane either. But I’d like to THINK I could. Let’s say I’m on a plane and there’s a rampaging bear. Or a zombie. Or a zombie-bear. Under those circumstances, I could definitely Geronimo my way out of there. But otherwise, I’m not doing it. Planes have a landing gear for a reason, and it seems ungrateful not to use it.
People who have done these things tell you how life-affirming they are. I got a reality check on this from Pickett. She told me did a parachute jump for charity but instead of her life being affirmed, she CLUNG to the straps on her parachute with a death-grip all the way down. Which is an entirely appropriate grip, under the circumstances.
Unfortunately she also had a cold the day she jumped and her nose ran the entire time. Her hands, otherwise occupied, were unable to do much about it. The ground was a long way down, and the air was cold. As a result when her picture was taken on landing, she had a snail-trail of snot running right up her forehead and into her hair.
I’m not saying this is the reason I will never do a parachute jump without zombie-bear assistance. But it is one of those hidden dangers no-one mentions.

It was definitely silver. Unless the two for joy magpie showed up twice.

El P.

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