Sandwich Star

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

I was hungry at lunchtime today so dashed into Wishbone to get myself a sandwich. It's the first time I've been in there since before Christmas when we moved offices.

"Hiiiiiiiiii!!!!" said the Japanese lady behind the counter. "It has been SO long! We wondered what had happened to you!"

She was really VERY enthusiastic. I was not expecting this. 

"I said to the others, it's him! It's him!" she continued. 

Now this is getting embarrassing. Then I looked over at the other Wishbone counter staff. I don't think they were working there before Xmas. I assumed they had no idea who I was, or why Japanese Lady was getting so excited. 

"Is he an actor? Is that Matthew Broderick? And if so, he's REALLY let himself go."

Anyway, Japanese Lady told me it is her last week at Wishbone before she continues her world travels. She was in high spirits and went BONKERS stamping my Wishbone loyalty card.

It was a nice moment in an otherwise unremarkable day.


p.s. Believe it or not, I used to get "Matthew Broderick" as my looky-likey a lot, back in the 90's. Also Paul McCartney. Also Stan Laurel. 

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