Edinburgh Torch Lit procession

A very good evening. Began at Cafe Rouge which provided much entertainment. Used Tesco vouchers else we would have been very disappointed. Very small portions, very expensive and not a Parisian experience at all. Had to ask for bread for the table for which we were charged. Got 4 minuscule slices. Onion soup had no cheese as promised. The fish stew had a thick sauce not a broth and coffee was weak. It surprised the server when asked if we enjoyed the meal by replying as above. She didn't know what to say. We will not be going there again in a hurry.

But it did not spoil the evening. From Cafe Rouge we joined 20,000 others for the Torch lit procession from Lawnmarket down the Mound, along Princess Street and up onto Carlton Hill. The procession was led by a Pipe Band closely followed by these Up Helly Aa fellows. These were the read deal, from Shetlands. On the hill we had a long wait for the fireworks, which when they did arrive were very good. On our way down an hour later people were still going up with their torches.

The plan was to have a drink or two in the Guildford Arms but we were thwarted again by security on the door saying that the place was full and they were not letting anyone in. So we repaired to the Scottish Malt Whisky Society on Queen Street for a wee dram or two before catching the bus home at just before midnight.

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