Paris Day 2

Today it rained lots so we decided to do indoor stuff. After studying Monet for Art level I was really keen to see the Water Lily's. Wow, they were so beautiful. I could have sat and looked at them for hours. Really sad to think Monet died feeling he had failed to do what he had set out to, because he so definitely created a haven of peace and tranquillity from the busy streets of Paris. Even though it was busy inside, it was still serene in there because of the paintings and the colours.  

We timed things right this morning, because as we left the museum there was a massive queue waiting to go in and then another massive queue to buy tickets. Fortunately, we only had to wait about 15 mins (in the rain!). Not so lucky for the Musee D'Orsay, although we did manage to get in within about 30 mins as we had bought tickets in advance. Was quite special being up close to so many famous paintings but frequently annoyed by the ever present selfie sticks. What do people do with all these photos of themselves blocking the view of an amazing painting?! As I was appreciating one painting, someone actually asked me to move as they wanted to take a photo of themselves in front of it. They got ignored!! 

Back at the hotel we Skyped Toby and Eva. So lovely to see them (even though they were squabbling a bit about who filled the screen!) but when we came to say night night, Eva's bottom lip wobbled and she got really upset. I felt like someone had ripped my heart out! Just wanted to sit her on my knee and squeeze her tight. I know Grandma did that for me! I know she has been absolutely fine, but I especially miss putting them to bed at night. 

We went to a restaurant in Montmartre recommended by Mike's work colleague for dinner. It was perfectly lovely but it was hard to match the atmosphere and food of last night. We stayed out for a few drinks (French Mojito's, mmmm!) then walked up to the sacre couer to see it lit up at night. We were a bit tiddly so did some silly selfie poses in front of it and giggled a lot. So glad we can still be a little bit immature together after 9 years of marriage. 

Happy Anniversary Sir T. I am so lucky to have you. I love you, always have and always will xxx

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