Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Big Sur Coast

Someday we're going to spend no less than a week traveling the Big Sur Coastline because today we traveled it from the top, starting in Monterey, to the end south of Ragged Point --we drove south to the exit of the magnificent scenery. The journey was delightful, but we never quite get our thirst for this coast quenched. There are just too many places to stop and look and learn more. Next time I really want to make a stop at the Henry Miller Library. That's just one of many places and I won't make a list now of each of them.

This morning when we left Monterey, the weather looked threatening with huge dark clouds in every direction. Several times we came to a stretch of pavement that was wet, so we knew the rain was moving south just ahead of us. But overall, the day provided nothing but enormous beauty.

This photo is Point Sur and its lighthouse. We rarely get to see it when it lush and green because usually we're here during summer or autumn. Today it was as spectacular as ever.

We stopped at the Lucia Café for our breakfast, really it was our lunch and it was delicious and someday we're going to stay in the little cabins they rent, but they are not "pet-friendly" so today it wasn't a possibility. Not one of the ten little cabins was occupied this afternoon as we walked through the area.

This evening we are staying in a favorite city, Cayucos. We ate dinner on the outside upstairs patio of Shooners--it faces the waves. The food was delicious and the view, well it couldn't be better.

We have an appointment tomorrow for the three pooches with the local groomer. She does a superior job of bathing and trimming our three and this gives us several hours to explore this city that we'd love to live in . . . maybe someday.

Good night from the Central Coast of California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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