
Gave Ben his yearly bath this evening.

Ok... so it's not exactly yearly.... but they're so infrequent these days that they might as well be! I feel bad about it because he loves baths, and swimming, and he's missing out on both at the moment. Partly due to time, energy levels (from me), and money.


But he's clean now and that's rather nice :)

Had a proper heart-to-heart with Steve last night about all sorts of things. We stayed up way too late but it was totally worth it. I feel like all kinds of loads have been lifted from me. These were loads that have been building over a year and a half. Silly really. But it's good to have got them sorted out.

It's hypo central here at the moment. I was daft last night and had insulin way too late after having some cereal. I suspect what happened is that my sugar levels spiked high enough for my body's own insulin production switch to trip, and so as well as my pancreas trying to deal with the sugar, I also had the synthetic stuff injected as well. So I had a hypo in the night. Woke up low as well, and waited too long between having insulin and actually eating and had a worse hypo. (I partly blame Ben and his pasta and cheese sauce obsession.) I just seemed to bounce low all day after that. One hypo in the night and 3 over the course of the day. Not great.

Went to see the community midwife this morning. I feel sorry for her. She gets the worst job of all the clinicians I have to see - she is powerless, gets told to do stuff which she can't do, and has to try and pull everything together. She must've made 4 phonecalls while I was there with her, trying to find things out or arrange things.

So I can't have a sweep before 38 weeks after all. Apart from the fact it's not even documented in my notes that that course of action was actually agreed, she said it was utterly unreasonable of the hospital team to expect her to do that. She even phoned the delivery suite and spoke to one of the most senior midwives there who completely agreed with her.

Baby wasn't engaged at all yesterday despite being engaged on Friday to make life difficult for the sonographer.

So... I'm measuring at 35 weeks physically, and baby is measuring at around 38 weeks, and I'm actually 36+5 weeks now. So I have a slightly bigger baby in a slightly smaller bump and it's no wonder he's trying to kick and claw his way out through the walls at the moment!

I just feel.... well my mother-in-law summed it up quite succinctly. Exhausted and exasperated.

It feels like no team is able to communicate with any other team properly, nobody writes anything down that is even vaguely useful except general observations of me and baby, nothing that is agreed gets written down - it's just left verbal (well that's to be expected I suppose if they have no intention of doing anything about it).

I gave up and had a nap with Ben in the afternoon. I could barely keep my eyes open.

We had beans on toast for tea and Ben woke up halfway through us eating - and proceeded to help me finish mine! Had to make some more. He's eaten well today. Pasta and cheese sauce for breakfast (don't ask - it's driving me crazy at the moment), pasta and cheese sauce for lunch, snacks etc, and beans on toast for tea.

Blake and Steve got on with some plastering during the evening and discovered that when you try and use well out-of-date plaster it goes off and sets rock solid while you're still mixing the stuff. There's now a beautiful plaster mould of the trug tub in the garden.... But 3 walls got done in the end. One more wall to do, and then it's the ceiling's turn! And then it's tidy up and decorate... well, there's a fair bit more prep to do before we can decorate, but it's getting there. We might yet have a bedroom before baby arrives!

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