jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Hot chocolate

Clay made and cooling, friends here for a playdate, off to toddler group together, friends reunited (hah - our NCT group has been incredibly rubbish at staying in touch but three of us were at this toddler group today which was nice!), and back home to play.

Lilija and Ben played really nicely, Charley grumbled until he fell asleep, Vicki and I played with clay and lino and forgot all about lunch until Lilija came downstairs saying she was hungry!

I did my first lino cut in over a decade today. I really ought to photograph it. It's for Christmas, of course. I need to find a slim paint roller now so I can make some prints. I hope it comes out the way I imagine it!

Steve was home late but in time to take me off for my physio appointment where it is evident my muscles are responding very well to the specific exercises I'm being given. One more session with the fitness rehab girl and I'm back to the physiotherapist fella.

Met up in a cafe afterwards for a cup of coffee for me and Steve and an epic hot chocolate with cream and maltesers for Ben, and a quick blast of fresh air, and home.

Ben was so tired again he was falling asleep as dinner was cooking. He ended up taking himself off to bed, closing his eyes to wait for me, and falling sound asleep. Charley made it through dinner as he was really hungry too, but was asleep not long after.

And so was I too. No deadlines for tomorrow so I slumped on the sofa with Charley, and fell asleep with him on my tummy, nursing. Eventually we made the transition to bed. When I sat up to go downstairs they rolled towards each other at the same time, asleep, and stayed that way! SO gorgeous.

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