All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Peeping Ethan

Yay - it's the weekly Mummy & Ethan day today! Despite us having to wake him at 7am yesterday, he decided not to let mummy have a lie in today and was up at 6.15am. Never mind - we had a busy day ahead of us.

I usually try to catch up with mummy friends on Thursdays but hadn't made any plans for today as I felt we needed time just to catch up on everyday things.

So it was a trip to the vet to pick up Zoe's tablets (she has been diagnosed witha thyroid condition which she'll probably need medication for life for). The down to the Ford dealer to sign the paperwork for the new car. Ethan made a beeline for their colour charts again and proceeded to walk from the salesmans desk to the wall over and over, each time bringing me a different colour!

We then went to his swimming class. He has started trying to look under the wall of the changing room when we're getting changed. Today there was a wee girl with her mummy in the one next to us, who thought it was a great game to look back. She wasn't too impressed when Ethan reached in though and stole her toy car!

As it was the last in the batch of 10 clases, it wasn't a proper class today but a play session. Considering he hadn't yet had a nap he was in a fantastic mood and enjoyed every minute of it. He also stood under the showers by himself for the first time. Usually I have to hold him and he isn't too keen if I put him right under the spray. But today he kept asking me to switch it back on again when it stopped and he stood there for ages.

We live only 5 minutes drive from the pool and he was so worn out afterwards that he was asleep in his car seat before we were even half way home. Transferred him to the sofa with out a problem, where he slept for an hour. He then cuddled up to me and fell asleep on my chest for a further hour. So I got to watch tv which I don't do often these days.

A late lunch followed for Ethan and then we went down to The Centre. I tried on a few dresses in Debenhams as I'm looking for one for 2 weddings we're going to in July. Each time I took one off the rack and asked Ethan "what do you think" he shook his head very firmly! My wee fashion advisor was right too, because when I tried them on, I wasn't too keen on most of them either!

Then a dash round M&S where I bumped into a fellow mummy friend who was also there looking for "yellow sticker bargains" for dinner.

Dinner, playime, bath and a worn out Ethan is now in bed. Still lots for me to do now though.

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