All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

It's my 500th blipday!

Wow - that has come around fast! 500 consecutive blips - some good, some bad but all bring back memories when I look at them!

I'm so addicted to this site as you can probably tell. I thought when I had Ethan in December that I'd probably have to cut back on my blips, but it has proved such a great way to track his progress that I've carried on. What's interesting is how many new subscribers I've got since I had him - it's lovely to know so many people are interested in his progress. Thank you to each and every one of you and also those who comment from time to time. I'm just sorry I don't have the time to view and comment on as many other journals as I used to.

Here's to the next 500!

(Edited to add that this is Leia, not Obi. Obi is improving day by day but still not looking 100%).

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