All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Despite the fact we were running slightly later than usual, there was only 1 other baby in the baby room at nursery when I dropped Ethan off there this morning. The nursery nurse was really chatty and was telling me how well Ethan has settled in and that he never stops charging round the room now he can walk. When hubbie picked him up this evening, they told him they had tried Ethan in the Tweenie room again for a wee while. However they think they maybe pushed it a bit too far and kept him in too long as he wasn't very impressed and wanted back to the baby room again. Ho hum.

He was too busy this evening wanting to play to eat much dinner. A wee bit of a sandwich, 1/3 of a banana and some blueberries was all he managed. Most of that was eaten in front of the tv ... check out the concentration! TV dinners isn't something I want to encourage but I guess it's not the end of the world from time to time. One positive thing though. I was chatting to a friend on Facebook last night about the fact he's not great at drinking from beakers. However, as his cups with straws were needing washed, I tried him with a beaker this evening. He drank loads of water from it and kept wandering round the house with it! I might try him with milk in it tomorrow to see how that goes, in the hope I can wean him off his bottles soon.

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