All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Hand in hand

Grandpa stayed overnight with us last night so he came to Ethan's gymnastics class with me this morning. He hasn't seen Ethan at gymnastics for several months now and noticed a real difference in the equipment Ethan is climbing up now. Also what was different was Ethan's behaviour - he was brilliant! Joined in with the circle song at the beginning perfectly without wanting carried, tried to do lots of the actions during the songs and was just wonderful for the whole class! Wonder if this is because he knows I've been considering cancelling after this block of classes or if he was showing off for Grandpa!

We then popped up to the library and round Sainsbury's before heading home.

Hubbie was looking after Eden during this time - we always have her on a Saturday while Foreveryoung is at work.

A very cute moment today was when Ethan and Ethan walked from the family room through the hall and into the living room holding hands. Just adorable but that was a long enough walk for Eden who has only recently started walking. Ethan got a bit huffy when she didn't want to do it any more haha!

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