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IT Apps Support, Solihull MBC. Avid thriller reader and watcher of just about anything. Fond of Guinness and real ale (CAMRA member).
I like taking pictures and carry a camera in my huge bag everywhere just in case. Sadly, I have only used it on holiday or at concerts. Joining Blipfoto is about me Read more...
IT Apps Support, Solihull MBC. Avid thriller reader and watcher of just about anything. Fond of Guinness and real ale (CAMRA member).
I like taking pictures and carry a camera in my huge bag everywhere just in case. Sadly, I have only used it on holiday or at concerts. Joining Blipfoto is about me making more of an effort!
Nov 9th, 2014 What have you done with the food?
Nov 8th, 2014 Yeah I know! It's another couple of damp birds!
Nov 7th, 2014 A very soggy starling....
Nov 6th, 2014 Stand well back!
Nov 5th, 2014 It looks better on me!
Nov 4th, 2014 Mooning again...
Nov 3rd, 2014 AAAARGGGHHHHHHH! Gimme back my hour!
Nov 2nd, 2014 I'm leaving on a jet plane......
Nov 1st, 2014 A storm in a D cup?