From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

What have you done with the food?

I didn't do a lot today. Lazy days lead to not feeling tired and I sat up late last night watching an old episode of Silent Witness on the Alibi channel. For a while now I've been fancying the job of a forensic pathologist in my next life. Hopefully I'll have a stronger stomach so I won't feel like hurling up at the slightest whiff of something gone off. I'm OK at the sight of blood and guts but the accompanying pongs will finish me off every time.

Today was another lazy one although I did go through all my bookshelves in the front room and now have two big carrier bags of books for the charity shop.

I felt horribly guilty when I looked out of the kitchen window. Lucky was sat on the garden table with a perplexed look on his beak. He turned accusing eyes at me after glancing sorrowfully at the spot where the feeding station used to be.

It's so sad!

Thank goodness I still have the nut feeder firmly anchored on the shed. I wouldn't have had any visitors at all if it wasn't for that. The tits and squirrels did well anyway.

The new feeding station arrived at about 4pm. I was that excited that I completely cremated my dinner losing track of time and it was getting dark at that stage anyway especially after I'd fiddled about working out which bit goes where. I have assembled the pole. OK, stop laughing. It came in three separate bits and the pointed bit goes at the bottom in the ground but it will be easier to put the bottom bit in separately and then screw the other bits in after so I have taken it apart again. Sigh! Roll on tomorrow lunchtime when I can do it in daylight hours.

I have never looked forward to a Monday before. Oh wait. Yes, I have. It wasn't that long ago either.... Working Mondays are different though.

Anyway, I like well done dinners but my rock hard jacket spud and black things which used to be Richmond Irish Sausages (the thin ones) were a tad too well done even for me.

This little fellow was a frequent visitor today to the nut feeder but I liked this one of him glaring at me from a tree branch.

Go large...

Track? I'm not really a Queen fan but after witnessing this one ruined totally and forever more on last night's horrific unmentionable 'talent' show, I must redress the balance - The Show Must Go On

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