From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Yeah I know! It's another couple of damp birds!

I am so sorry! Today was even worse weather wise than yesterday. You would not think it possible but it was. I caught these two early in a five minute break in the deluge. When it did eventually stop raining completely, it was dark!

Also, I had a bit of a disaster. I was thinking earlier that I have only come close to giving up Blipfoto for two reasons. The first episode is now history and while it made me terribly sad at the time, it was just one of those things you have to get over like bereavement or the flu. The scars are still there I think but never mind as life goes on.

The other episode happened today soon after this picture, with my bird feeder falling over in the rain soaked ground. I ran out in the pouring rain to rescue it but it's past its best anyway, being old and rickety with a bend in the middle. Good grief! It sounds like me! I couldn't do anything in that foul weather apart from rescue the holders. Oh well, I won't give up blipping yet. My pictures for the next couple of days are going to have to be of Bony (quite likely), a squirrel on the shed roof (also quite likely), a selfie (not bloody likely!) or maybe my left big toe (I won't get that desperate).

I have ordered a new feeder with more hooks and dishes. The old one was very battered but I can put the old suet cake holders and seed containers on the new one when it arrives and it's in the ground firmly and deep down enough. I need someone with a big mallet to knock it in! The new feeder will arrive tomorrow.

I stayed in all day, partly due to the weather and that Frank wasn't out for a pint in Stratford today but also because I was waiting in for a delivery of rat poison and a rat bait box (to keep hedgehogs etc safe). I have two rats living under my shed now so I have declared war!

Unfortunately, encouraging birds, squirrels and hedgehogs can also encourage other creatures you'd rather not see. I last had a rat over a year ago but a few weeks of rat poison sorted him out and I only started seeing the new pests a couple of weeks ago. Time to take action!

It wasn't a total waste of a day as I was able to watch the three episodes of 'Masterchef: The Professionals' which was on last week. Thank goodness for TV catch up services!

That's it for now. Go large...

Track? Some CCR is appropriate for today! - Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

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