Spot the Problem

15 months 30 days

We've had a really chilled day. I took a decision to not plan anything, not arrange to go anywhere at all, so Katie and I could have some time just 'being' and taking it as steady as we fancied. Katie woke up at 2.30 am. And didnt want to go back to sleep. She dozed on and off, snuggled up to me as tight as possible, before eventually deciding at 7 it was time she was downstairs not in bed.

We spent the morning flitting between the toys in the lounge and those in her bedroom, she'd just head to the stairs when she was ready to switch! She's been eating loads all day as well. Weekends seem to be a time when she has a huge sleep in the day - 2 1/2 hours yesterday (possibly explaining the nocturnal activities!) and i chose to wake her after 1 1/2 today.

She's been doing some brilliant imaginative play with her dolls and soft toys, dressing them, taking them for walks, cleaning, changing, reading to them, singing with them, making them play peekaboo.

Mid afternoon she went and knocked at the door to go out. I said 'get your shoes if you want to go out' (they were on Monkey) so she said. 'You need a coat too' so she went and got one and went back to the door - she was serious! She walked all the way to the shop and back, jumping in puddles again.

She ate a bit of tea and then a large bowl of rice pudding. After her tea, I'd changed her nappy, but when we got back downstairs, she insisted on taking all of her clothes off, then her nappy and then putting them all on Snowman instead. I love this shot, although this one was nearly the blip

Quite scarily, she's beginning to show signs of being ready to toilet train - she tells me when she's about to go, takes herself away somewhere private if it's a poo. She then brings me a clean nappy and wipes when she has, and today, she's decided she doesnt want to be wearing a nappy. I'm not planning on instigating anything - I'll let her lead if she wants to (for a start, noone does knickers in 9-12 months, unsurprisingly!) but this has taken me a little by surprise!

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