
2years 122days

Despite falling asleep at 5.45 she didnt get up until 6. She woke in the night a couple of times, including at 10pm when she insisted she wanted to be in my bed, but then didnt want me, then did want me but not in the bed! It was definitely not as bad as it could have been though!

She's had a good day at nursery today, they said she'd been very excitable, and had particularly enjoyed her lunch today. Ate two full portions of it and loved them.

I picked her up a little earlier than normal today, because Jasmine, Jaden and Victoria were coming to play again! We had a little teaparty to belatedly celebrate Jasmine's 13th birthday. The children insisted on playing outside. I gave them the chalks and they loved drawing on the paving. They found a ball that never came back in the house yesterday. They all ate well at teatime - but Katie refused to eat anything green. Her pasta was tricolore and she ate the cream and orange pasta. She wouldnt eat her runner beans or her asparagus either! Funny little pickle.

She's been pottering around since they went, doing some really lovely imaginative play. She's developing very involved games with her friends now. Everyone is considered, everyone is looked after, normally it involves her mothering them, making sure someone's found their mummy, has been patted to sleep, changed and has all their belongings.

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