Fabulous day

16 months

It's been a MARVELLOUS day today. Really has. We had a nice gentle start, although it began early as usual. Mid morning we set off for Scarborough and went to see 5 cousins who were visiting from London and York. plus my aunt and uncle. Katie was so confident with them, going and playing, exploring the house. She sat happily in the highchair at lunchtime, despite a fair amount of chaos!

We walked to the beach, stopping to feed the ducks - Katie threw bread to them for the first time, rather than just watching or eating. We then went to one of the amusements and Katie had her first go on a 2p machine, she thought it was really funny watching it fall, and piling more coins in. She demanded to be taken on to the beach, and headed straight for the sea. I let her reach the damp before the water and have a little splash of her feet, before we all walked back for hot drinks and a play.

From there, we went to see my oldest friend and my 1yr old Godson, they're home from Australia for 5 weeks. I commented how well she looked to be told she's expecting again! HURRAH! Max was itching to cuddle Katie, but she was having none of it, so they spent lots of time chasing round. Katie wasnt much interested in tea but spent ages with Nannan talking to their fish.

Just to end the day, we headed for an hour or so at Granny and Grandads, give her a familiar place to unwind at. She was on full bounce, but when it came to Jammies and milk, she flopped in seconds. After the journey home, she woke up but snuggled immediately into her bed (with a nappy and sock-clad Monkey).

Katie at 16 months
* loves dressing up
* dressing and mothering all dolls and soft toys
* thinks pants go over the head
* names all the animals + noises in her little book
* has 5 teeth, is 73cm tall and has finally hit 19lb
* builds towers as tall as she can reach with her stacking blocks
* tells me before she goes in her nappy, when she has 'been' in her nappy and knows when she needs a poo
* does the actions to heads, shoulders; dingle dangle; jack in a box song; ring o' roses
* has added gone up, bubbles whoosh, where x, robot, push, block, horse, book rock, please, ta, no not and many more to her list of words

She likes:
* the cat episode of teletubbies
* making Monkey play peekaboo
* Mini milk lollies
* getting party bags after a party - to carry at home and gather random junk in

She doesnt like:
* wearing a nappy
* pooping in public places
* cauliflower
* having her hair washed

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