Duvet day

Last night I was all organised to go to Glasgow to see a gig at Celtic Connections. However woke up this morning with a searing headache and a throat like razor blades and generally feeling yuk!
Staggered out of bed and let the dogs into the garden for a run around then brought them into the siting room while I slunk back off to bed. Doggies didnt like being left dwonstairs alone so after a while they stared what can only be described as yodeling in unison! this went on for about 10 mins when I finally had to stagger back down and give in to them.
Eventually got dressed, fed them and took them out and came in and had a cup of tea and some toast. I then hauled an old duvet down to try to settle donw on the couch in front of the fire. The best laid plans .... got up to put some peat on the fire , turned round and there were both doggies on my duvet!! ended up having to share with them.
#1 daughter and her pal are taking my place at Celtic connections so I hope they have a good time and I hope to be better to go down on Monday to listen to Tom Jonesetc.

Have a healthy blip weekend all

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