A slow week end

Due to not feeling well on Fri & Sat, I have taken things easy. Had to miss a really good gig at Celtic Connections but hey ho! Off my food a bit but on the mend , it was only a nasty little bug. but have had a slow week end as a result.
Weather just as dull, the dogs have taken up space on my duvet on the sofa! I thought I was the one that needed pampering!

Not able to get out to get a decent picture so please bear with me and this poor offering of a view through my kitchen window showing the 2 million pound flats at the back. Though they may look close, the builders were considerate enough to make sure there were no windows that would look into our house so thats ok with us. The police were there twice yet again, but to be honest they have been quiet.
Speaking of police, not only have we had a visit from them with a summons for someone who has never lived here, we have now received one in the post. I went down to the cop shop with it but they said as it was private mail, they couldnt open it and we were to send it back to the address on the front, which I had googled in the first place, thats how I knew it was yet another summons! I hope the find this character!

Have a good and healthy remaining blip weekend all

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