Red or dead!

More dang work, why do we have to work? and dont tell me its to earn money because you can get money without having to work as half the residents of the new two million pound flats at the back testify! Now someone is going to say work will earn you more money so you can buy goodies like big ~TV's cars, sky channel, go out and party . Well let me tell you that those folks at the back have all that and while I may have bought a new TV and I do own a car, I can't afford sky TV, I cant go out and party every week end and before you tell me that I am going to 5 gigs at Celtic Connections, 3 of these were free tickets procured by #1 son (in return for all the money he owes me) and Celtic connections only comes round once a year!.
God am I in a curmudgenly mood today? It must have been that broken down swanky red fancy car I passed that did it.

I have hatched an evil plan on how to get someone to look after the Guniea piggies and rabbit while I sashay off to Glasgow and hubby goes to the Sneck to work.... invite my retired cousin down for a break away from her indolent son who is doing her head in! That way she gets a break and I get my aminals looked after...seemples!

Have a nice trendy red day all blippers

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