This day

By snapper

Happy to see me

Yes the puppies were stuck indoors for much of today as everyone was out.
An early start (7.15) for me to go to the next town along to work at a local school. Forgot how smelly kids can be come friday! however they were ankle snappers and were very easy and nice to work with and their drama stuff came together.

Quite a gale blowing a strong southerly coming up the loch so when I opened the veranda door to let that woose of a bunny in the gale came in with him!

Looking forward to the weekend, long lie, a good read of the Sat Herald, dogs out for a nice long plod.Sunday may take me to the big smoke in the city for a wee flickr meet along with eldest daughter and other flikrites.

Think I will hand my camera in for a professional sensor clean now that I know were to hand it in to in the city.

Dogs kept jumping all over me when I came home tonight so now covered in doggy hairs. Too lazy to cook so it may be a take away though I feel a bit iffy!

Took the plunge and entered three of my pics in the local camera club competition, these guys are serious photographers so felt a little aprehensive submitting something but hey! you never know till you try.

Happy weekend all blippers

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