The Bug House!

Meetings have their advantage in that I can travel about our glorious county and grab the occassional shot. This is Campbeltown bug house (cinema) I think its called an Art Deco design and is still a practising cinema and think has bee for some time. The light was unusual to say the least, I did grab a few harbour shots but I preferred this one probably due to the wee palm tree on the right and the sun setting behind it.
Stopped off in Tarbert on the way back at a greasy spoon and had some horrible thing that passed itself off as gamonn steak, more like cardboard on a plate! and why oh why do they feel this compulsion to load your plate with grubby tasteless chips and literaly frozen peas! My stomach is still in turmoil!
Well looking forward to the weekend as I have a 21 to go to tomorrow night so it will be a night on the town !
Dogs have yet eaten their way further into the cupboard AND were in himself's toolbox, that did not bode well and he has finally agreed to measure the cupboard up for a cage! No matter they had eaten my stuff before!! but when they turned on his tools boy were they in trouble!

Have a good blip weekend all

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